
How to change encoding in excel
How to change encoding in excel

how to change encoding in excel how to change encoding in excel

Once here, you'll see a few registry entries for Excel 2003. Once in the Registry Editor, navigate to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER>Software>Microsoft>Office>11.0>Excel>Options You can change the default choice by running regedit from the Program>Run menu item. It involves a registry edit (creating and modifying a value), so all the normal disclaimers apply (i.e., edit at your own risk and back up the registry before editing). The answer that works for me is given at Changing default text import origin type in Excel.

how to change encoding in excel

Like yours, my goal is to set a default encoding so that I don’t have to scroll down to near the end of the drop-down list just to choose “65001 : Unicode (UTF-8)” every single time I’m opening a CSV or tab-delimited-text file. I face routine tasks with a similar profile to what you described, and answers like those at How to set character encoding when opening Excel and Is it possible to force Excel recognize UTF-8 CSV files automatically? miss the point. Not working? Make sure you set Base to Decimal (Step 7). For my purposes, though, UTF-8 does a good enough job of displaying non-corrupted characters. Like Vasille says in the comment to this question, if your file is not actually in UTF-8 format, you may technically want to convert the characters within the file to the encoding you want before opening in Excel. For some other encoding, use the code page identifier, which you can find in the Text Import Wizard in Excel or in this list.

  • For Value data, enter 65001 to set your default to UTF-8.
  • Right-click on DefaultCPG and select Modify.
  • Name the item DefaultCPG, and press Enter to save.
  • Right-click an empty space on the right side and select New → DWORD.
  • how to change encoding in excel

    Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER → Software → Microsoft → Office → ▒▒ → Excel → Options, where ▒▒ is your version of Office, mostly likely the largest number you see there.I found my answer at Changing default text import origin type in Excel. I answered a similar question at Default character encoding for Excel Text Wizard?.

    How to change encoding in excel